Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer is Short

It is hard to believe that in two weeks school will start and summer will be officially over.

Our home life is about to change again and this time I'm ready.

Last year when #1 left for college I was grieving for the loss of his fun presence in the house. He worked 45 hours a week this summer while he was home. Work along with his social committments didn't leave him much "home time". What I will miss is all of the kids and fun he brought into the house. Our relationship has changed and I really like it.

#2 will be starting his Senior year at an alternative high school. In April last year it became clear that he could no longer graduate from regular high school. My heart was broke. Along with the other bad choices he was making, this reality was just one more blow. He has been unemployed all summer and driving me crazy. If he is not successful at this school, he will
need to leave our household. This would be painful but in another way a relief. He is about to learn being 18 is not as easy as he thought it would be.

#3 is starting his sophomore year in high school. Football practice has been going on most of the summer and is now in high gear. #3 loves his sports and all the fun that goes with it. I am always amazed how committed he is, never complaining or trying to get out of anything. This July he got his drivers licence and this has really cut down on my running him around town. Everytime he leaves I say to him "Be sure to look both ways" and he says "just like on a bike."
This boy will always be my baby, no matter how big he gets.

#4 is starting her freshman year in high school. She is ready, her mother is not. It is hard for me to image in 4 years she will graduate. She is a fine young lady that has such a positive attitude and spunk, she'll be fine. Having three big brothers has shaped her into one of those chicks that understands boys.

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