Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Flood

Last week we got an incredible amount of snow. Then on Friday it started raining and the temp went up to 50 degrees on Saturday. All combined it made a huge amount of water and the stream in the back yard became a river. Saturday the stream flooded over to combine with the lake and overnight it rose to an all time high. We only have around 5 foot of grass showing in the back yard before it would start to flow into the downstairs garage. Sunday morning and into the afternoon several of the neighbors were filling bags with sand to hold the water back. They were not on as high a ground as we are. Several had water in their downstairs despite their efforts. Mic and #1 and #3 went out and helped sandbag. They had a great workout and the best part was delivering the sandbags with the pickup truck. We are praying for dry weather.

Right now it appears that the water not rising so hopefully it will receed as the night goes on. Our floating dock left the dyke and started floating until it hit the huge ice chunk that is still on the lake.

I really like the first picture beause I can't believe how close the water is. The only part of the picnic table you can see is the top. We're lucky that didn't start floating away too. I like the second on because it looks like the bridge to nowhere.
This is the view to the left of our back yard from the deck. You can see our floating dock between the trees in the neighbors yard. Mic is going to take the kayak and go get it tomarrow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Niagara Falls!

Mic and I watched "The Bucket List" movie a few months ago. When the movie was done we talked about some things that were on our lists. One of them on mine was to see Niagara Falls.

This weekend Mic made that happen for me. It was beautiful and breath taking. Watching the water rushing over the falls and feeling that mist mezmorized me. I stood there for quite a while watching the water fall and swirl. There is a walk that over looks the falls that we walked twice. I really enjoyed seeing the many nationalities that were represented and listening to the variety of languages that were spoken. We were foreigners too,as we were on the Canadian side of the falls. The US side of the falls does not have as good a view,the Canadians definately got the better end of that deal.

We took the "Maid of the Mist" boat trip that takes you close to the falls. It was a great, but wet trip. They give everyone blue rain coats (that resemble dry cleaner bags) to wear during the trip. Thank goodness for the blue coats, you get wet when you get over by the falls. It's like a very heavy mist. I kept my hood off and faced the falls relishing the mist covering my face. The roar of the falls was an amazing sound and the power of the water is awe inspiring.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Proud Day

Son #3 and 11 of his fellow Boy Scouts and football buddies came together on Saturday to assemble this. It's for his Eagle Project on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout. They took down the old swing set that had 3 swings on it and was in very bad shape.

Then they re-assembled this new one in about 5 hours. The really great part of this is that it's on the grounds of a domestic crisis home. There are 40 women and children currently living in the house. It was great, the kids were looking out the windows and coming outside asking how long before we were going to be done. It was a beautiful thing to see the kids playing on it before we left.

#3 solicited donations and raised money for the project. He got a big break when we were in Costco and he asked one of the managers what they did with the display play structures when they were done with them. #3 is VERY charming and when he explained what he had in mind the manager said he could have it, if he disassembled it when they were done with it. He came walking up to me and said, "yea, they said I could have it in 2 weeks." A $1400 play structure! He had raised money for the wood chips and gravel he needed, so he was ready to go.
Two weeks later we took it down at Costco and two weeks later, it was assembled by a bunch of teenagers.

They had adults there if they needed any consulting , but the kids really did the work. I did the donuts and sloppy joes, etc. It made me really proud of my son and his friends. They had a great time and did a great thing.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

In the past three days we have received so much rain that our stream has started overflowing into the lake.
We are not in the flood plain, but it sure feels like it from my living room windows. The bridge on the left is so far underwater that the ducks come swimming in the current and smack into the bridge. Good Sunday afternoon entertainment.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Swan Lake

This group of swans stopped by our lake today to rest. They made quite a bit of noise as they flew over the house and landed in the middle of the lake.
As soon as they landed I grabbed my camera bag and sat on our dock to watch them swim. Sadly, I only had two lenses in the bag and neither was my "stalker lens" so this was the best pictures I could get.
They were in two groups. They had stopped the honking they were doing when they flew over the house, they were quiet and at peace. The swans separated into two groups, one was the older swans and the others were the younger swans that still had some brown on their necks. Some of them curled up and slept and some just floated.
It was a great break in my day. They stopped by to rest and I sat and watched them for about 30 minutes. I am reminded that each day I should stop for 30 minutes and recharge, quietly.
Sadly, one of my neighbors decided to go kayaking and the swans decided to fly on. I could have sat there for another half hour.
Now I have to figure out where I left my "stalker" lens.
(If you click on the picture to see it larger, the younger swans are on the right.)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Scout & Big Red

This is Scout, he's our black lab/springer spaniel mix. We got him when he was 6 weeks old and 8 pounds, he's 9 years old now and 50 pounds. You'd think he would have grown up by now. He still has a lot of puppy left in him.
He's a great dog.
He swims in the lake just about every day and chases the ducks off the property. The ducks just make a mess on the grass, so we love it when he does this job for us.

When we were getting ready to leave for the cottege last weekend he jumped into the truck and decided he would be the one to drive. #4 was excited and immediately called "shot gun" and jumped in too.
This is "Big Red" a Ford F-250. It's always been this ridiculous size. It looks like a serious machine until there is a black dog driving a 14 year old girl around.
I don't drive "Big Red" regularly. Husband Mic does, he loves it and doesn't seem to have a problem finding parking spots for it or getting it into said parking spots.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sophmore Year is much easier on Mom

This year's college experience for me was easier than last year. Here I am from last year, sitting with #1's stuff while he went up to his dorm room. My emotions stayed in check while we were bringing stuff up to his room and organizing. When it was time for me to leave he was doing great with his roommate and gave me a hug and kiss and told me he'd call. There were so many people around moving their kids in that I distracted myself watching them on my way out.

I did great until I got to the highway and heard a song that set my tears off. Then I got home and made myself a drink and went into his room and sat in his chair and cried some more. It was a few days before I could go back into his room with feeling an empty sadness.

The change in our relationship has been good for both of us. My relationship with him has changed in a positive way. I keep reminding myself that this is what I want for him. The fact that he is confident and independent makes me proud. When he came home he was so much more thankful for clean laundry and food and he didn't hesitate to tell me how much.

Today #1 did some laundry, cleaned his room, asked if he could take some food from the cupboard and packed his car. He gave me a hug after discussing when I would come and see his apartment. Then he got in his car and with a wave drove off.

It was still like a hunk of my heart was driving away. I'll miss his daily presence in my life, but I am grateful that we had this summer.

I also still miss that IKEA chair he took.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sometimes early can be good

To say that a I'm not a morning person is an understatement. Whenever I have to get up early I just lay there and wish I could sleep just a little longer.

It doesn't help that I've been staying up late watching the Olympics.

This morning I woke up to this sunrise. It almost made it worth while getting up.

This is my back yard and this morning even though it was early, it was beautiful.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer is Short

It is hard to believe that in two weeks school will start and summer will be officially over.

Our home life is about to change again and this time I'm ready.

Last year when #1 left for college I was grieving for the loss of his fun presence in the house. He worked 45 hours a week this summer while he was home. Work along with his social committments didn't leave him much "home time". What I will miss is all of the kids and fun he brought into the house. Our relationship has changed and I really like it.

#2 will be starting his Senior year at an alternative high school. In April last year it became clear that he could no longer graduate from regular high school. My heart was broke. Along with the other bad choices he was making, this reality was just one more blow. He has been unemployed all summer and driving me crazy. If he is not successful at this school, he will
need to leave our household. This would be painful but in another way a relief. He is about to learn being 18 is not as easy as he thought it would be.

#3 is starting his sophomore year in high school. Football practice has been going on most of the summer and is now in high gear. #3 loves his sports and all the fun that goes with it. I am always amazed how committed he is, never complaining or trying to get out of anything. This July he got his drivers licence and this has really cut down on my running him around town. Everytime he leaves I say to him "Be sure to look both ways" and he says "just like on a bike."
This boy will always be my baby, no matter how big he gets.

#4 is starting her freshman year in high school. She is ready, her mother is not. It is hard for me to image in 4 years she will graduate. She is a fine young lady that has such a positive attitude and spunk, she'll be fine. Having three big brothers has shaped her into one of those chicks that understands boys.