Monday, September 22, 2008

A Proud Day

Son #3 and 11 of his fellow Boy Scouts and football buddies came together on Saturday to assemble this. It's for his Eagle Project on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout. They took down the old swing set that had 3 swings on it and was in very bad shape.

Then they re-assembled this new one in about 5 hours. The really great part of this is that it's on the grounds of a domestic crisis home. There are 40 women and children currently living in the house. It was great, the kids were looking out the windows and coming outside asking how long before we were going to be done. It was a beautiful thing to see the kids playing on it before we left.

#3 solicited donations and raised money for the project. He got a big break when we were in Costco and he asked one of the managers what they did with the display play structures when they were done with them. #3 is VERY charming and when he explained what he had in mind the manager said he could have it, if he disassembled it when they were done with it. He came walking up to me and said, "yea, they said I could have it in 2 weeks." A $1400 play structure! He had raised money for the wood chips and gravel he needed, so he was ready to go.
Two weeks later we took it down at Costco and two weeks later, it was assembled by a bunch of teenagers.

They had adults there if they needed any consulting , but the kids really did the work. I did the donuts and sloppy joes, etc. It made me really proud of my son and his friends. They had a great time and did a great thing.

1 comment:

Debby said...

They did a truly great thing. I imagine there were some very excited children watching this thing take shape.